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Service dog School

Service Dog School 


At Doggy Village, we specialize in training exceptional service dogs to assist individuals with disabilities and medical needs. Our expert trainers use positive reinforcement techniques to teach dogs essential skills such as mobility assistance, medical alert, and emotional support. With personalized training programs and ongoing support, we ensure each service dog is a reliable, loving companion ready to transform lives.

What type of service dogs do we train:

  • Medical alert dogs 
  • Mobility dogs 
  • Hearing dogs 
  • Psychatric Service dog 
  • Therapy dogs – this is not a service dog 

All our dogs receive a certificate From Jasmin Mayer who is a Certified Assistance Dog Trainer by the German Assistance Dog Centre TARSQ

Professional team

Our Trainers are skilled professionals who specialize in teaching dogs the specific tasks and behaviors needed to assist individuals with disabilities. We use positive reinforcement techniques to train dogs for roles such as mobility assistance, medical alerts, and psychiatric support. Their expertise ensures that service dogs are reliable, well-behaved, and tailored to meet the unique needs of their handlers.

Top quality

Doggy Village toys are made of durable materials and designed to stimulate your dog.

Service Dog School 

Medical Alert Dogs

Medical alert dogs are specially trained to detect and respond to medical conditions such as diabetes, seizures, or heart issues. These incredible dogs use their keen senses to provide early warnings, fetch help, or assist during emergencies, offering safety, independence, and peace of mind to their handlers.

These highly skilled dogs provide safety, independence, and life-saving support to individuals with medical conditions.

Diabetes Alert Dogs (DADs):

Detect changes in blood sugar levels and alert their handler before it becomes dangerous

Seizure Alert Dogs:

Predict seizures before they happen (in some cases) or assist during and after a seizure by fetching help or providing comfort.

Cardiac Alert Dog

Sense irregular heart rhythms or changes in blood pressure and notify their handler.

Migraine Alert Dogs

Detect changes in scent or behavior that precede a migraine, giving their handler time to prepare.

Service Dog School 

Mobility Asistance Dogs

Mobility dogs are specially trained to assist individuals with physical disabilities or limited mobility. They help with tasks such as retrieving items, opening doors, pressing buttons, and providing balance support. These loyal companions enhance independence and improve the quality of life for their handlers.

Experience the freedom and support a mobility dog can bring!

Balance Support Dogs:

Assist individuals with stability issues by providing physical support while walking or standing.

Wheelchair Assistance Dogs:

Help individuals in wheelchairs by retrieving dropped items, opening doors, or pulling the wheelchair.

Service Dog School 

Psychatric Service dog

Psychiatric service dogs are specially trained to assist individuals with mental health conditions like PTSD, anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. They perform tasks such as providing grounding during panic attacks, reminding handlers to take medication, interrupting harmful behaviors, and offering calming support.

Experience the life-changing benefits of a psychiatric service dog today!

PTSD Service Dogs:

Assist individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder by performing tasks such as interrupting flashbacks, providing calming pressure, or ensuring safe personal space in crowds.

Anxiety Service Dogs:

Help during anxiety attacks by grounding their handler, providing tactile stimulation, or leading them to a quiet space

Depression Service Dogs:

Offer emotional support and assist with daily routines, such as reminding their handler to take medication or wake up on time.

Bipolar Disorder Service Dogs:

Support individuals by recognizing mood changes and prompting coping mechanisms or grounding during manic or depressive episodes.

Service Dog School 

Hearing Dogs

Psychiatric service dogs are specially trained to assist individuals with mental health conditions like PTSD, anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. They perform tasks such as providing grounding during panic attacks, reminding handlers to take medication, interrupting harmful behaviors, and offering calming support.

Experience the life-changing benefits of a psychiatric service dog today!

Each type of hearing dog is trained to meet the unique needs of their handler, offering independence and confidence in daily life.

Sound Alert Dogs:

Trained to notify their handler about everyday sounds like doorbells, alarm clocks, or phone rings.

Emergency Alert Dogs:

Specialized to respond to critical sounds such as fire alarms, sirens, or smoke detectors, ensuring the handler's safety.

Personal Alert Dogs:

Help with identifying more personal sounds like someone calling the handler’s name or a baby crying.

Dual-Role Hearing Dogs:

Serve both as hearing dogs and provide additional support, such as mobility assistance or emotional support.

Service Dog School 

Therapy Dogs

Therapy dogs provide comfort, affection, and emotional support to people in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and other settings. These gentle, well-trained dogs bring joy and relief during stressful situations, helping to improve mental and emotional well-being.

Discover the healing power of therapy dogs today!

Experience the freedom and support a mobility dog can bring!

Therapeutic Visitation Dogs:

Visit hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and other facilities to provide comfort and companionship.

Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) Dogs:

Work with healthcare professionals during structured therapy sessions to assist in physical, emotional, or mental health treatments.

Facility Therapy Dogs:

Reside in facilities like nursing homes or schools to provide ongoing emotional support and interaction for residents or students.

Crisis Response Dogs:

Trained to comfort people affected by traumatic events, such as natural disasters or tragedies, by reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm.

What Are The Steps To Apply

1. Feel Out the Application

In Application you need to specify what kind of service dog you will need and atached your medical letter - this can be done letter (we do not provide medical letters).Application fee is 250 zł. Once approved we will contact you directly for assesment of the dogs

2. In person Assesmnet

Once your application is approved we will make assesment of your dogs and start public acess traing if we see that the dog is not fit for servcie dog program we will discountinue the program.

Cost of in person or online assesment is 250 zł and will be up to 90 minuents

3. Payment for a servcie dog program

Once the dog is fit to start we will require a 50 % down payemnt for the service dog program (which is not refundable if you suddently decide you will not continue traing the dog. We have a limmited space for future servce dogs and their handlers that is why we want to be surious and fully committed )

Minium cost of traing of servcie dog program is 25 000 zł - payed in stages (the cost might be more as some dogs require more then 100 hours of work. (minumum cost of servcie dog in USA is 17 000 USD )

After sucessfull assement and aplication 500 zł will be refunded to you if you decided to start your service dog program

5.Meddical recommendation and dog clerance

Once we decide on training goals (advanced manners and task training), we meet for training sessions, virtually or in-person. We share a training log which will be updated daily based on performance and training goals.
Note: Service dog training is one of the highest forms of obedience training and only ~5% of dogs make the final cut. We may discontinue if your dog displays reactivity, fear or aggression, or health concerns at any point.

4. Traing program

Miniumum of 100 hours is required for the dog to be able to take an exam.

Start of the Servcie dog in person program May 2025 in Warsaw1 hour of the class is 250 zł if the dog will reguire more classesIn the program dogs will be:
- train in public spcaces like bus stops, department stores, airports and other public transportation.
- at least once the dog will take a flight during the traing period
- will be triained in groups, private classes and diffrent enviroment

6. Final Exam

After successfully completing training which can last between two months and two years, we will meet for a final certification examination.The exam is based on the international standards and requirements. Only if you and your dog pass with a score of 90% you will be handed the sought-after certification attesting your dog is a qualified working animal and can accompany you, the handler.Exam you are allowed to take as many times you need to pass with 90% score.

Service Dog School Triners

Jasmin Maier

I am a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant, specializing in

therapy and service dog training. Over the years, I have worked

extensively with dogs in various capacities, helping them reach their full

potential as companions, emotional support animals, and task-trained

service dogs.

I introduced service dog and therapy dog work in Qatar for the very first

time, and my own cardiac alert service dog and therapy dog, Charlie, is

the first certified service and therapy dog to visit schools and universities

in the country. Now, I divide my time between Dubai and Qatar, helping

even more dog parents while expanding the reach of service and therapy

dog work in the UAE, just as I have successfully done in Qatar.

As a certified therapy dog handler and trainer, as well as a service dog

handler and trainer, I am committed to creating positive, impactful

interactions between dogs and the people they help, enhancing lives in

both regions.

Service Dog School Triners

Paul Dargham

Paul Dargham is a certified dog trainer by the best dog training schools in France “Centre herve Pupier” & In Netherlands “Ybajo Hoeve”

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Zabawka rewelacja, szczeniak zadowolony i zajęty zabawą na pół dnia. Zdecydowanie polecam 🙂
silvette dash
silvette dash
Również polecam! Zamówiłam w dzień rano zabawkę interaktywną, wieczorem następnego dnia przesyłka była do odebrania. Dodatkowo w prezencie dostaliśmy całe opakowanie gryzakow-przysmakow;). Urządzenie solidne, zadziwiło psiaka, trochę przestraszyło na początku, ale zaciekawiło. Plusem jest to, że od razu było naładowane i po otwarciu opakowania można dać zwierzakowi do zabawy. Dziękuję;)
Małgorzata Matyla
Małgorzata Matyla
Super zabawki
Rafał Debrzak
Rafał Debrzak
Fionie się spodobał Prize Orb 🙂
Jola K
Jola K
Polecam sklep! Prowadzą osoby z sercem dla zwierząt!
vega l
vega l
My dog loves Rolling Bone. The best toy what you could get for Christmas 🙂


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